REAch Teach are proud to be a delivery partner of Education Development Trust for the new National Professional Qualifications. Our cohorts will run out of a central London venue, delivered by expert leaders. All facilitators are either serving or recent school leaders of one or more schools.
We currently provide two leadership NPQs and three specialist NPQs. Each NPQ is delivered as a specialism.
As a Delivery Partner, REAch2 offer the following Specialist NPQs out of a central London location:
Leading Teacher Development
Leading Teaching
Leading Behaviour and Culture
Leading Literacy
Specialist NPQs last 12 months and are delivered via a blended learning model. Sign up with our NPQ Provider Best Pratice Network below and select REAch2 as your Delivery Partner.
As a Delivery Partner, REAch2 offer the following Leadership NPQs out of a central London location:
Senior Leadership
Leadership NPQs last 18 months and are delivered via a blended learning model. Sign up with our NPQ Provider Best Practice Network and select REAch2 as your Delivery Partner.